Welcome to Create with Chelsea, my new food and wellness blog. I’m so glad you’ve found your way here!
I’m Chelsea, a vegetarian home cook (and sausage-dog mama) on a mission to help you cook, eat, and simply live better. My main motivation for starting this blog is wanting to share my love for meat-free cooking with you. Because it truly can be so rewarding, you may even get addicted to the compliments you’ll receive – and I assure you, no one will miss the meat!
So now you’re probably wondering why vegetarian… Well, there are many reasons – from ethical motives like reducing your carbon footprint and having compassion for animals, to more ‘selfish’ reasons like achieving your ideal body weight, or even just relieving your conscience. That’s all I’ll say for now, because it really deserves its own post (don't worry, it's coming!).
Just believe me when I say it is so rewarding ditching the meat, and it truly is easier than ever…
How do I know this? Well, during high school, I attempted vegetarianism more times than I can count. But I never lasted more than a month or so, always giving in to some form of chicken.
Then, in 2017, not long after graduating from high school, I came across two Netflix documentaries (The Game Changers and What the Health) that focus on our excessive consumption of animal products and highlight the damaging effect this has on both our bodies, and planet. The films had such an impact, I simply couldn’t eat meat after watching them. Honestly, my original motivation was selfish: I wanted to lose weight (FYI, it worked). The funny thing is, the longer I avoid meat, the more compassionate I am becoming for animals.
Although, there is another reason I've been able to stick to vegetarian food for so long, this time around. I'm now able to recreate my favourite chicken dishes (for when those nasty cravings appear) with the versatile options available in most supermarkets.
So, I strongly encourage you to watch both documentaries, when you have the time. I’m curious to see if they’ll have the same effect on you as they did on me – so please let me know in the comments below!
I’ll show you how to master vegetarian cooking at home. You’ll learn my best tips and tricks that have helped me finally stick to this vegetarian lifestyle for good.
You'll find shopping advice, and strategies to curb the meat cravings. You'll learn a range of vegetarian recipes (for all kinds of situations) that will impress even the pickiest eaters.
How am I so sure of this? I have some expert taste-testers at home who claim ‘veggies are gross’ and nothing will make it onto this blog without their tick of approval.
So go on, try ditching the meat with me - even if it's just for a day or so. I'd love to know how you go (and what you miss the most) so please connect with me on Facebook and Instagram, or in the comments below.